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The Dragons

The Dragon are a player and NPC faction which utilizes the Chaos Theory to "Guide" the world into harmony; small ripples leading to tsunamis of change. The Society is the most mysterious of the three and even members of the faction are not told its true goals.


"Change requires chaos, and chaos is ours to orchestrate."

Shrouded in secrecy the Dragon is considered the most mysterious of secret societies, even to its members. Dragon believe in the idea that seemingly insignificant events can lead to cataclysmic change; ripples spreading across the world.

Through the ages, the Dragon dissolve and reform. The location of the headquarters shifting with each generation as it resets and begins again. The only continuity are the silent monks, who have the ages' old task of finding the new leader and acquiring the agents needed to assist in keeping the world on the proper destiny. The society's origin is unknown but many presume East Asia; a few chronicles exist of the previous cycles, providing glimpses of ancient works.

Without the head of the Dragon, the body does not survive and the cycle is reset. The head, always a child at selection, is fiercely guarded by the Mute Monks and communication with and translation of the boy's orders to the body of the Dragon are done by his right hand, name, as of yet, unknown.

The body of the Dragon is formed by two sets of people. The first, used by the Dragon to cause small actions weaving into a greater whole. And the second, members who are not voluntarily recruited but are instead chosen for service. Abducted by the Mute Monks, new recruits are deposited in a neighborhood in Seoul, trapped until they discover the clues that lead them into the headquarters. Few direct orders are ever issued; instead members to are expected to follow the tenets of the Dragon and to instinctively understand how to meet their goals.

The current Dragon reformed in Seoul sometimes after the end of the second world war; the end of the previous generation.

Relationship with other Factions

Council of Venice - The Status of the Dragon seat on the Council of Venice is unknown.The relationship between the Dragon and other Council seat holders is unclear; reforming with each generation reduces the opportunity to develop long-running issues with others.

The Secret War - The Dragon do not have the long standing rivalry of the other two participants but do continue to battle against the Illuminati and the Templars at sanctioned areas and in the manipulation of the Financial and Political worlds.

Other Factions - The relationship between the Dragon and the Orochi Group is unclear.

"The Art of Chaos"

Manipulators and conspirators, the Dragon have survived for millennia by playing their enemies against each other. Since before the first empire, through the aggression of the Mongol Khans and the ebb and tide of the political change, a whisper in the right ear, a strategic assassination, alliance carefully crafted and broken - and the world eventually bends to the patient will of the immortal Dragon.

With a spiritual and philosophical approach to the secret crafts, as an acolyte of the Dragon you are taught to listen, shown how to teach others, and expected to respect the balance of the universe and to be humble in the face of fate. Yours is not the path of force, though force is often needed to clear the path.

Few know of the Dragon and their long history, and that is how the Dragon want it. You are invisible but pervasive, silent but all-knowing, and when the other secret societies have decimated each other, you will rebuild the world from the ruins of their arrogance.

The Dragon is too easily underestimated, but those who do so live to regret it - or die before they get the chance.