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Un'goro Crater
Un'goro Crater

Lush Un'Goro Crater ("God Lands" in the Qiraji language) lies at the southern part of Southern Kalimdor, between Tanaris, Silithus and Uldum. Although the area is almost completely isolated from the rest of the world and sandwiched between three deserts, the region is filled with exotic plant life and even more exotic creatures. Ranging from peaceful earth elementals to raging devilsaurs, the locals are not to be trifled with.

The pylons on the ridges of the crater defy explanation, despite close examination. They could mark where the titans might reappear during their second visit to Azeroth, a visitation supported by holograms in both Uldaman and the front of Uldum. These pylons could also share the same purpose as the pillars in Sholazar Basin, too. The Avatar of Freya, the Lifewarden, mentions that Un'Goro is a similar place to Sholazar, where the titans were performing experiments to create new life forms in Azeroth.

Un'Goro Crater was revealed to have some connection with the titans by Geologist Larksbane during the Ahn'Qiraj solo quests.

Un'Goro is known for many of its popular culture references, in particular, the myriad Nintendo characters and places. Its high ratio of dinosaurs, crystal pylons and mysterious ruins give off a distinct "Land of the Lost" vibe, which chronicled the adventures of the Marshall family in a prehistoric pocket universe.


Little is known regarding the crater's fascinating history, save that the crater is ancient beyond living memory.