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Tol Barad
Tol Barad

Tol Barad is a ravaged island kingdom in Baradin Bay, between Hasic and the shores of Khaz Modan. To get there, Horde players can use the portal in Orgrimmar, just above the Valley of Wisdom near the flight master. Alliance players can use the portal at the Eastern Earthshrine in northeastern Stormwind City.


During the Second War, it was an island citadel of Stromgarde. The island was also the site of a fierce battle between the Horde and Alliance. The Horde, having already conquered most of the dwarven lands, were preparing to strike out into the northern kingdom of Lordaeron. At the time, the island was being used as a staging point to strike back at orc raiders. In response, Orgrim Doomhammer launched an invasion of the island. Overwhelmed early in the war by the orcs, no more than a few hardy weeds and insects survived the Horde's bloody victory. An aura of death seemed to radiate from the island, and the original fortress was razed to the ground. Tol Barad became a frightening symbol of the Horde's merciless tenacity and barbarity.