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Dustwallow Marsh
Dustwallow Marsh

Bloodmyst Isle (aka Silvergale Isle) is the second of the two major isles of the Azuremyst Isles. North of the main island, Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst is often the next step in the journey for ambitious young draenei.

Bloodmyst Isle has been ravaged by radiation from the crashed draenei ship, the Exodar. Red crystals dot the land, and the eerie red mist for which the isle was renamed covers everything. Even the great pine trees which cover the island have taken on a crimson tinge. The creatures of the isle have mutated, in some cases becoming hostile. The draenei, hoping to find a way to restore the island, have set up an outpost known as Blood Watch near the center of the island.

Several giant creatures can be found on Bloodmyst Isle. The northwest of Bloodmyst Isle is home to a huge spider called Zarakh, its spawn grown to unnatural sizes due to contamination by the spaceship debris. Near the Vector Coil, blood elves have set up camp to control its energies and use it to empower their secret leader. Heroes of the draenei are called upon to bring her down. A smaller island off the coast to the northeast, called Wyrmscar Island, is now home to the ghost of a dragon named Razormaw.


Dustwallow Marsh was once a high plain filled with herd animals that thrived on the tall grasses. Then came the great Sundering, and the plain was smashed down into a depressed valley. The water table bled up and saturated the landscape, creating the great marsh that exists today.

Dustwallow Marsh had long been home only to wild beasts, but all this changed in the Third War, when Jaina Proudmoore led her people here to settle down after the battle with Archimonde at Mount Hyjal. Founding the city of Theramore, Jaina's humans rapidly extended into the swamp, building fortified guard towers at important points along the road to the Barrens.

The ogres of Stonemaul, having settled in the region after Thrall brought a regiment of them to Kalimdor with his fleet, were called to war upon the humans by their newly established leader Rexxar, in response to an attack by Admiral Proudmoore and his Kul Tiras Marines. Dustwallow Marsh saw a great skirmish between the opposing forces, leading to the death of the zealous, albeit misguided hero of the Alliance.

Perhaps it is because of extreme terrain conditions that neither the Horde nor the Alliance has succeeded in establishing an extensive presence in the area. Located on the rocky tip of the peninsula on the eastern shore, the citadel of Theramore Isle is the home of Jaina Proudmoore and a great bastion of the Alliance. The gleaming walls of this bastion, however, often serve to contain the Alliance, and its presence does not extend far beyond them, despite a number of scattered checkpoints and towers that dot the road leading to The Barrens. Theramore Isle's military has recently been dwindling, partly due to the ever-increasing number of desertions, although why so many people have chosen to forsake their place with the Theramore garrison remains a mystery.